Sabella Blog

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Why Everybody Should Be Making Money Online

When you tell people stories of making money while you sleep with no effort, a vast majority look at you with extreme scepticism and even contempt for wasting their time and trying to “con” them. Factually most people also know that it is true that you can make online with no effort while you sleep say by trading the markets, selling goods on eBay or even making money from various means on your own website. However, this is generally dismissed or explained by these same people as for only the super intelligent, the overly technical, crazy or just plain lucky people.

I am here to tell you that not only is most of this downright lies but you would be severely short changing yourself and your family if you did not invest a significant portion of your endeavours online and I am not necessarily talking about money. Currently approximately 10% of all sales of goods and services occur online and that number is growing fast. Now you may say well that is great but what does that mean for me and those figures are spouted by people all the time and they sort of become a blur after a while. That is true statistics these days can be manipulated to tell any story you like but I will give you some real examples to put this into context.

In terms of goods and services sales there is more happening at eBay than anywhere else on the planet even if you combine store groups together like Wal-Mart and its subsidiaries in the US or the Coles Myer or Woolworths groups here in Australia. It equates to about $1,640US sales every second which is about US$14.2 million in sales every day. If you break this down further just for Australia, a car is old every 1 minutes, a DVD every 30 seconds and an item of women’s clothing every 14 seconds. Can you imagine if Big W store sold 2,880 DVDs a day or about 6,000 items of clothing. If they could manage that many sales they wouldn’t need to sell anything else! Currently about 53,000 Australia have eBay as either their primary or secondary form of income and about 35,000 businesses use it as their secondary stream of revenue. In total 20% of the entire adult population of Australia is a member of eBay which is about 3 million people.

I hope that put things into context for you and made it is easier to visualise in your head. Contrary to what you may be thinking this is not an article to laud eBay or even too necessarily to convince you to start selling there. Given those massive figure, eBay sales still fits into that 10% of all sales I mentioned earlier. Remember there are huge sites like Amazon and search engine giants like Google and Yahoo who also fit within that 10%, let alone all the other larger, medium and smaller players. If nothing else this should illustrate for you how massive an opportunity it is out there and that we are really still only in its infancy even with all those impressive numbers. Cast your mind back just 10 years ago and most of these companies I mentioned didn’t even exist let alone the market itself.

Unfortunately I don’t have enough space here to go into extreme detail about what you can do step by step but I will give you a brief overview and if you want more information go to Did you know that you can get an entire book written for you for less than a $100 which you have full rights to sell? Did you know that you can get companies like Google, eBay and Amazon to send you cheques? Did you know with an Australian site like not only can you offer items for sale on LayBy with someone else managing the process for you for free but you can make money when other people list items for sale and also when you buy items? Did you know you can make more money online with no stock or payment handling of your own just selling other peoples great products? The list goes on and on and as I mentioned about all these things are that it takes little time, little money and requires no technical knowledge at all. The truth is that unlike real estate, share trading and business, this requires a lot less knowledge and far less money to get started and is easier and requires less time and effort to do anything.


Chris Jacob

Getting to Know your Beagle

Getting to know your dog starts by getting to know its breed. At Kingdom of Pets, we keep a large database of detailed information on the appearance, personality, and health requirements of individual dog breeds. Here's what you need to know about the Beagle:

The Beagle is a breed that ranks as one of the top choices for families. These dogs are extremely loyal, charming, and very sweet. Although great with people, the Beagle has an amazing sense of smell, which can make leash training a bit of a challenge. However, with patience and determination, you can help your dog overcome this behavior. The Beagle falls within the Scent Hound and Hound group of dogs, which is recognized by the American Kennel Club. This particular breed is an excellent companion dog and one great with children and other pets.

Physical Appearance

The average weight for a beagle is between 15 and 28 pounds with height around 13 to 16 inches. With proper care, the Beagle can live up to 14 years of age. The body of this breed tends to be compact with floppy ears, gentle expression, and smooth, short hair. Although a strong dog, the Beagle is not an overly muscled breed. The colors recognized by the American Kennel Club include the following:

* Tri-color
* Lemon and White
* Orange and White

Temperament and Personality

Because the Beagle is such a docile breed, they work well in just about any situation. The only thing to remember is that the Beagle should be well socialized to avoid problems with timidity. However, if you want a great family dog, this breed is superior. You will find the Beagle to be highly intelligent although when it comes to training, they can be a bit on the stubborn side.

This breed is generally a pack animal, which means they can have tendency toward separation anxiety. While you could certainly own one Beagle with or without another dog, they are usually more content with a furry friend. Sadly, many people associate the Beagle with howling and although some do, not all dogs of this breed are vocal.

Funny, loving, gentle, and enjoyable are all words that describe the Beagle. Even with their stubbornness while walking, this particular breed is rarely known to become angered. The smaller size, temperament, and personality are just a few reasons more and more families are choosing a Beagle.


For the most part, Beagles have few problems although there are a few things you want to be aware of before choosing this breed. As you will notice by the appearance, the Beagle has long, floppy ears. While beneficial, the ears can also stop air from getting into the ear canals, which can create minor problems. Typically, wiping the inside of the ears out a few times a week will prevent the buildup of dirt.

Another relatively common problem is with ingrown eyelashes, something known as Distichiasis, which would require a quick trip to the veterinarian. You also want to watch the weight of your Beagle in that these dogs love to eat. Unfortunately, too much weight can cause serious problems with joints, specifically Hip Dysplasia. Other potential problems although not as common include Congenital Heart Disease, Polyarthristis, which is a condition by which the immune system actually attacks the dogs joints, and epilepsy and seizures.

Daniel Stevens is the renowned dog trainer and author of SitStayFetch, a leading dog training guide having sold over 21,000 copies (and counting). See for more on dog breeds.